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 Howdy, Dallas Antwerp is a no-nonsense communication that consider creative ideas that generate ROI for brands.

In a trendy meeting room that sounds like 'An idea agency That drives ROI. "Because creativity is a means, not an end in itself. We have summarized this vision for Dallas briefly as: ROMI2, Return On Marketing Investment squared. Ambitious? That's it. A communication effort of an advertiser usually leads to views, clicks, likes and shares, site visits, ... in short, concrete leads. But to where leaden all those leads? In particular, what profiles and people sit behind?
Dallas Antwerp goes where other agencies. Beautiful promise. How so? Through all splitting that leads according to their click-seeking behavior and we know exactly what ideas and content relevant to what profiles. And above all when. We measure it in real time. Thus, we draw a fire & customer journey from leading to a strong and lasting relationship between brands and people. With the ultimate goal: Return On Marketing Investment. Every time. Because creative content that does not succeed, it is wasted content. And money, unfortunately yours. Welcome to Dallas Antwerp.

比利时抗癌基金会恶搞营销《女友变老妈》 / 2013-02-17

广告背景:在阳光直射下如果不做防护措施,皮肤容易老化,也容易得皮肤癌。 广告执行:比利时抗癌基金会希望对年轻男女进行教育:对皮肤进行保护。于是他们通过活动找来几对年轻男女,把他们送往美丽的海边度假,在

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